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Showing posts from May, 2009

Now Introducing Ava Layne Brooks

Kind of fuzzy, but a great memory! It's a Girl!!! One of the only pictures of the cards I made! Yesterday was a pretty big day for Kyle and I. We had our first ultrasound and found out that we are having a precious baby girl! We were so shocked when the ultrasound tech. said it was a girl because everyone had convinced us it was going to be a boy. We were shocked but so very excited. This day was extremely emotional for me. As soon as I left school I was sobbing with joy. I just could not believe that in a few short minutes I was going to see our baby! I have honestly never been so overjoyed in all my life. The ultrasound was so fun. I laughed and cried the whole way through it. She was bouncing all over the place. We were really hoping we would get a good view of whether or not the baby was a boy or a girl an...

Let the Construction Begin!

We have officially started working on the baby's room.! We have quite a few things we'd like to do before he/she gets here. Here is our short list: Remove and replace baseboard with new that matches the rest of the house. Put up crown molding to match the rest of the house. Put up chair rail. Replace the fan. Paint. DECORATE!!!! As you can see, I am pretty excited about all this! This week my mom came over to rip off the old baseboard. She is a hard worker! She and Kyle knocked that job out in about 45 minutes. She has even said she would paint and put up the new for us as well! We are so thankful for all her help. Kyle and I are not gifted in the fix-up-your-house department. We are very fortunate to have such a large, talented family who can help us if we need it...which we do! Here are pictures of Kyle and Mom working on the baby's room. More to come soon!