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Showing posts from March, 2011

The Good News

Ever have a really good day where everything seems to go smoothly. No frustrations, no drama, no worries, and then BAM....bad news hits you like a ton of bricks? Or maybe like a dump truck carrying a ton of bricks? We've all had those types of days and today was like that for me. I've wallered around in self pity, doubt, sadness for a good hour and then I remembered that there is good news! (Why don't I remember the good news before I get sad?) Here's the good news.... 1. Jesus loves me. 2. God has my life planned out. 3. His plan is perfect. I've gotta keep repeating this to myself! There's lots of other good news too! For example... 1. I have a loving husband and a precious daughter...the two people on this earth who I love most! If I really had the time I could list about a million other pieces of good news, but the ones mentioned in this post are gonna keep me going. So thankful I chose to follow Christ. He's blessed me in countless ways.

So Totally In Love....

This daughter of ours is the number one best thing that has happened to us since we got married! I say it all the time, and I can't say it enough....I love this girl! Her personality is growing and growing each and every day. She's really funny! She's learning how to see how far she can go before getting in trouble. She taught herself this week how to get on the love seat and laughs and giggles so much when she finally makes it up to the seat. She loves to stand on the love seat and completely understands that she's not allowed to do it. But, she does it anyway...and when we start counting to three she throws herself down and just laughs and laughs! Funny, huh? Some people think it's an attitude, and while we should probably be getting frustrated about that, we cant help but laugh because she's so stinking cute! She's growing up before our very eyes! I can't believe she will be a year and a half next month! I don't know where all the time has gone. I...

Sickness Update

We just got home from the doctor because Ava's cough was much worse. He let me know that now she doesn't just have RSV, she has an ear infection in one ear, fluid in her other ear, and bronchitis. He gave her an antibiotic, ear drops, and a new cough medicine that works for 12 hours. We are going to keep doing everything else we've been doing and of course praying for her to feel better soon. Just thought I'd give you readers out there an update.

Super Sickness

Our poor, poor baby has tested positive for RSV. We are so sad, but thankful that she got it when she was older versus when she was younger. If she would have had it when she was really little she would've had to be put in the hospital. Kyle stayed home with her one day this week, my dad and step mom watched her the next day, and I'm home with her today. Her cough sounds terrible. The doctor said she felt that the worst was over because her chest sounded good and all. She gave us instructions to give her some medicine for her cough called Corzall , tylenol and ibuprofen for fever and pain relief, Vaporub at night, nasal spray and suction all day long, and have her sleep with a cool mist humidifier. So we've done all that for about three days now and I feel so discouraged that her cough is not any better. Although I don't understand why she's not doing better, I am so thankful to know that God is in control of this situation! He is perfect and holy and able t...