I have always loved this song. It is just simply beautiful. I was listening to this song, by Ginny Owens, this morning and I really listened to the words, and the song became so meaningful to me. We have gone through a lot in the past few months, and I know that the Lord has a lot more in store for us. Things are always changing and always will, but the one thing that will remain the same is God's love for us. We have to trust that He has a perfect plan for us, and that everything we are enduring, or everything we will endure is for His perfect plan. While it seems bad now, in the end, it works out for the best. I never in my life thought that the mess we were in a few months ago would turn out so perfect. We are so happy, and to God be the glory!
Take a moment to read these beautiful lyrics and listen to the song on YouTube. I hope that it touches your heart as much as it has touched mine!
The pathway is broken
And The signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason why Y...
"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15