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Showing posts from January, 2012

A Proverbs 31 Wife

So, a couple of weeks ago, in our ABF class we read a little bit from Proverbs 31. For those of you that don't know, this passage in the Bible is all about what a Christian wife should be like. One part of this scripture, verse 27, says "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." This sentence just resonated in my mind and heart and really got me to thinking about how I use my time. There are many times when we are just hanging out, watching tv, etc. that got me to thinking about how often I am eating the bread of idleness. I decided that I needed to change and try harder to be a Proverbs 31 wife. (Note: I am in no way saying it is bad to lounge around the house and watch tv, I'm just saying I feel the need to be more productive with my time.) Here are a few things I have implemented into my life to make me become more like the woman that God created me to be. 1.) Take some time each day to rea d a devotion and scri...

Almost Done....And Just Gettin' Started

I'm almost done with my Masters! I have a one hour course that I will be taking later on this month and my comprehensive exams in March and then I AM DONE! Excitement does not even begin to describe my feelings about finishing my classes. I have a huge sense of relief and accomplishment when I think about how close I am to being done. And then there's a hint of nervousness when I think about taking these exams in March. I don't know what to expect, but I'm hoping that with everything I have learned, along with my teaching experience from the last 4.5 years I will be able to pass! I am really looking forward to not having to worry about homework and grading papers on top of my number one priorities-being a wife and mommy! I wonder if I will get bored? I doubt it! I'm looking forward to getting to do some of my hobbies again! As you notice from the title of this post, I haven't explained the "Just Gettin' Started" part yet. Time to explain. ...