I have been a little overloaded in life and let our blog go to the back burner! But, I must write about sweet Adley's birth story just like I did with Ava and Anniston :) On June 8, after a sleepless night, Kyle and I got up and got ready to head to the hospital to meet our third precious girl. To say I was nervous would be the biggest understatement ever. Even though I had gone through 2 csections before, it didn't mean I wasn't scared and nervous....it's a big, scary surgery! Mostly I was just afraid of the needle.... We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and started getting prepped for surgery. First came the beautiful gown (I was so happy it wasn't the paper/plastic gown like I had with Anniston...I sweat to death in that gown), then came blood work and the IV, which I was not excited about....I hate needles. And then the VERY worst part started. Waiting. Waiting for the magical hour of 7:30 am. It took forever. I was...
"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15