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Ultrasound #2

Yesterday Kyle and I went for our second ultrasound. Our doctor was not 100% sure of Ava's position so she ordered us another one. We were both excited and anxious to see Ava again. Boy, is it different from 19 weeks to 37. She looks so smooshed in there! We got a picture of her beautiful profile and another that ensured us she is still a girl! We got to see her spine, her brain, her heart beating rapidly, and even her full little bladder. (Mine was about to pop since I had to wait 2 hours without using the bathroom. That was no fun at all!) The ultrasound showed us three main things. 1. Ava's definitely in the heads down position, 2. it looks like I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant instead of just 37, and 3. She looks like she weighs about 7 lbs 9 oz. as of right now. The ultrasound tech kept telling us that her weight is an approximate. He said sometimes they are so close it's scary or so far off it's embarrassing! Anyway, she sounds like she's at a healthy weight to me! Both her daddy and I were almost 9 lb babies so we kinda hope she doesn't take after us in that aspect!

We got to meet with the doctor after a long bathroom break for me! I am unfortunately 0 centimeters dilated and she thinks Ava is kind of high still. So, my goal for the next 6 days is to walk, walk, walk as much as I can! They say that helps. If I don't show some progress by next week, I think she will schedule an induction or c-section. Now this is where I ask for your help. Please pray that I will show progress by next week. I really want to have a childbirth the old fashioned way. Not to say that there is anything wrong with c-sections, I just do not prefer to go that route. I'm seriously considering making a T-shirt that says "Don't cut my gut!" and wearing it the day I deliver! No, just kidding. The doctor says she fully respects our wishes and if I want to try labor I can, and if it doesn't go then we'll go with a c-section. But, prayers would be so appreciated. I am so thankful that God has a plan for our daughter's birth.

Our next appointment is Wednesday, September 30th. Maybe I'll go into labor before then! We can hope!


  1. We'll be praying for you guys Rebecca! How are you feeling as far as nerves, excitement, etc?
    We have a doctors appointment that day too, but it's just for a 26 week check up. Can't wait to see your little one!


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