We are finally moved in to our new home! We are so happy and are loving every second so far. Except when you break the glass in a ginormous picture....and except when somehow your brand new white towels have mysterious pink splotches on them! But other than that, we are loving our new home! Monday morning we came and did the final walk through of the house and then we went and closed on it. Since then, we have been moving machines. My awesome dad helped us get all of our heavy furniture from our storage building and our super small group friends helped us get all the boxes from one house to the new house! We still have a garage full of boxes to unpack, but I think we are moving at a steady pace. In my mind I thought it could all get done in about a day, but reality hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm hoping we'll be all settled by next weekend. Ava loves her new house! She walks around from one room to another exploring. She especially loves our master bathroom and her...
"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15