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Showing posts from July, 2011

God Hears Our Prayers

Hey everyone! I've been anxiously waiting the day that I could let everyone know that I found a job! I'm going to be a third grade teacher at an awesome school! I'm so very excited and I have lots to learn in the next three weeks! I feel like the last three months have been such a roller coaster for Kyle and I. Yes, I say Kyle and I because a job loss does not just affect the person who loses their job, it affects the whole family. We have learned so much during the past three months. We've learned how to be strong when the other is weak, we've learned that we have a lot of prayer warriors/friends, we've learned so much about patience and prayer, but MOST importantly we have learned how the Lord can take a not so fun situation like job loss, and make that a blessing. Kyle and I have grown so close to the Lord throughout this time, and closer to one another as well. The Lord has richly blessed our marriage in the last few months and has provided in every way. We...

Potty Training in 3 Days

As most of you know, Ava's been using the potty for many months now. We wanted to take things slowly so we could get her acquainted with the potty and she's been going on it every day for a while. This week, however, was the big week! This was the week that we say bye-bye to diapers and hello to big girl panties! This was such a big step, but we were down for the challenge. We used Lora Jensen's 3 Day Potty Training Method. This lady is known as the Queen of Potty Training, and I must say, the title fits! She had five boys and she used this method with all of them and it worked like a charm! Let me tell you a little about the past few days.... Day One Ava woke up when she was ready to, at about 7:00 (I think). We ate breakfast together and kept telling her that she was gonna have a great day and that she is such a big girl. After breakfast we got a trash bag (Kroger bag) and went on a hunt to find any kind of diaper in this house. We found them in her room and diaper bag an...