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Potty Training in 3 Days

As most of you know, Ava's been using the potty for many months now. We wanted to take things slowly so we could get her acquainted with the potty and she's been going on it every day for a while. This week, however, was the big week! This was the week that we say bye-bye to diapers and hello to big girl panties! This was such a big step, but we were down for the challenge. We used Lora Jensen's 3 Day Potty Training Method. This lady is known as the Queen of Potty Training, and I must say, the title fits! She had five boys and she used this method with all of them and it worked like a charm! Let me tell you a little about the past few days....

Day One
Ava woke up when she was ready to, at about 7:00 (I think). We ate breakfast together and kept telling her that she was gonna have a great day and that she is such a big girl. After breakfast we got a trash bag (Kroger bag) and went on a hunt to find any kind of diaper in this house. We found them in her room and diaper bag and we threw them out. She's a big girl now, and she doesn't need diapers anymore! Then we went to the bathroom and put on her big girl panties. We told her that it'd be gross to get them wet with pee pee or dirty with poo poo and that if she needed to go potty, to tell Mommy or Daddy and we would run run run to the bathroom. If she went pee pee, she'd get a little Dora sticker and if she'd go poo poo, she'd get a big Dora Sticker. All day long we would say, "Tell mommy/daddy when you need to go potty." No kidding, I think we said that about 4 million times the first day. We were never to ask if she needed to go potty. If she had an accident we would never say No, or Bad. We could only sweetly say, "Next time tell me before you go in your panties." For this three days, you can not do anything to take your attention off of the child. You have to watch for signs of accidents. If they have an accident, you have to run them to the potty, and if they get anything in the potty, you praise praise praise them. This is a brief summary of the method. I highly suggest you get the book (it's an ebook that you can download!)

Stats for Day One:
5 pee pee accidents
No accidents during nap
Woke up the next morning a little wet but not soaking, and went potty for a long time when she woke up.

Day Two
This was a much better day. We spent a lot of time outside on the porch talking and coloring. We kept using our gentle reminders. Long day, but better.

Stats for Day Two:
1 pee pee accident
No accidents during nap
Completely dry during the night

Day Three
So far, this is by far the best day! We are going a little stir crazy staying at the house all day, but we are making it. We have taken turns running a couple of errands.

Stats for Day Three (it's only 3:00 now, but....)
1 pee pee acident
Dry for entire nap

This has been a fun time for the Brooks family. I'm not gonna lie, this is tough, but I know it's gonna be sooo worth it! Since we've been home so much with few distractions, we've have been so connected and it's really sweet! I absolutely love being a mother (and a wife, but Kyle came potty trained), and it's so fun and exciting to see how our sweet little baby is growing into such a darling little girl!

Our next big adventure.....finding a big girl bed and new furniture for her big girl room! We are thinking a really cute white twin bed and white furniture!


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