I've always wanted to be a really organized person, and I believe I'm on my way to becoming one. A few weeks ago, I made a Home Management Binder so we can have all of our important information on hand and keep our home and finances in order. After much research on the internet and Pinterest, and asking a sweet co-worker a million questions, I finally was ready to put it together. I will show you what mine looks like as well as provide the links to the free printables I found online. This is what my binder cover looks like. I loved the chocolate, lime, and blue colors! http://www.newbeehomeschooler.com/Home%20Management%20Binder/Home%20Management%20Binder%20cover.pdf This page is great because it has basic information about everyone in the family. Great for babysitters! http://www.newbeehomeschooler.com/apps/blog/show/prev?from_id=19227356 Another page with contact info for doctors, etc. 31 Day Meal Planner with Grocery L...
"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15