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Showing posts from 2015

People Pleasing Problem

One of my biggest faults is that I'm a people pleaser through and through. People pleasing sounds nice, doesn't it? I'm telling's not! It is a curse and I think it stems from the devil! I think the root of the problem comes from pride. I wanna make sure to please people so that I look good. I wanna make sure everyone likes me and likes what I'm doing and everything is happy, happy, joy, joy. Except.....all that is work. Hard work. It is an impossible task that leaves me awake at all hours during the night wondering how I'm am being perceived by everyone around me. People pleasing takes time, yall. It robs me of my precious time. Instead of stewing on people pleasing thoughts....I could be spending that time in the Word (remember how I recently posted how I'm having difficulty finding focused and intentional time with God? If I worried less about people pleasing, I'd have more time with God!) I could be spending that "worry time" hav...

Not Enough...

Baby Girl is 13 weeks now, Ava is loving every second of Kindergarten, and Anniston is learning how to be the Big Girl of the house during the days while mommy is taking care of the baby and all our buddies.  This marks my 4th week back to work and I feel like I am still waiting for everything to start feeling normal. I've got my routine together for the daytime while I'm watching the kids and for the most part things are running smoothly....but I feel like I am being attacked by negative thoughts telling me "you are not enough..."  I know this is Satan and that he is trying to get me when I'm down, but let's just be stinks!  I know that the ONLY thing that can help me overcome my feelings of being insufficient is God.  Relying on Him in all circumstances is the only thing I can do. I need Him more than anything else right now....I just gotta figure out how and when to spend time with Him.  It's difficult, if I'm being honest.....I'...

Adley's Birth Story

I have been a little overloaded in life and let our blog go to the back burner!  But, I must write about sweet Adley's birth story just like I did with Ava and Anniston :) On June 8, after a sleepless night, Kyle and I got up and got ready to head to the hospital to meet our third precious girl.  To say I was nervous would be the biggest understatement ever.  Even though I had gone through 2 csections before, it didn't mean I wasn't scared and's a big, scary surgery!  Mostly I was just afraid of the needle.... We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and started getting prepped for surgery.  First came the beautiful gown (I was so happy it wasn't the paper/plastic gown like I had with Anniston...I sweat to death in that gown), then came blood work and the IV, which I was not excited about....I hate needles.  And then the VERY worst part started.  Waiting.  Waiting for the magical hour of 7:30 am.  It took forever.  I was...