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Showing posts from 2017

Does it Matter?

This is my first summer break in 4 years, and I am really enjoying slowing things down and reflecting on life.   The last few months have been filled with lots of reminders of the following things: 1.  life is precious 2.  we aren't promised tomorrow 3.  cherish every moment These three things continue to put life into perspective and make me ask myself over and over each day questions like, "Does this really matter?"   Over the last few weeks there have been a few times where Satan seems to be prowling and trying to take me down.  I recognize it, and I refuse to let him win.  While I may have a little moment where I need to have a good cry, I see what is happening.  Satan is trying to win, and he won't.  I can't let him win.   One specific day, someone tried to tear me down with their words.  It hurt my heart.  A lot.  I confided in of my sweet friends, and she asked me, "Is this the worst day ever for you, or ...

Thriftiness Fun

Those of you who know me, or have spent at least 5 mintutes around me...know that I am one of the most frugal people on the planet. Why am I such a tightwad? Well...I think I gotta give the credit to my dad on that one. He taught me from an early age the importance of being smart with money. I saved up my birthday and Christmas money when I was very young just so that I could start my first savings account. I started babysitting at age 11 (which I cannot believe), and every bit of that went into my account. I did lots of odd jobs when I was a kid to earn and save a buck here and there, including collecting chestnuts from the giant trees in our backyard to sell at a local grocery store. (Have you ever seen where chestnuts come from?? A baseball sized ball of needles, basically.)  It was a tough job, but I was excited to be earning and saving. So that's the story of my thrifty beginnings, and it has continued to follow me into my adulthood. At this point in my life, saving money ...