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Does it Matter?

This is my first summer break in 4 years, and I am really enjoying slowing things down and reflecting on life.  

The last few months have been filled with lots of reminders of the following things:
1.  life is precious
2.  we aren't promised tomorrow
3.  cherish every moment

These three things continue to put life into perspective and make me ask myself over and over each day questions like, "Does this really matter?"  

Over the last few weeks there have been a few times where Satan seems to be prowling and trying to take me down.  I recognize it, and I refuse to let him win.  While I may have a little moment where I need to have a good cry, I see what is happening.  Satan is trying to win, and he won't.  I can't let him win.  

One specific day, someone tried to tear me down with their words.  It hurt my heart.  A lot.  I confided in of my sweet friends, and she asked me, "Is this the worst day ever for you, or what?"  I took a minute to think of my answer.....and I told her, "No.  It's not my worst day ever.  I have three healthy kids in my car right now, and a husband who loves me.  I can't say it's the worst day ever."  Oh, how thankful I am for the people in my life who love me and listen to me.  I am blessed for sure.  

I go back to the question....."Does this really matter?"  I encourage you to ask yourself this question, and really dig deep for the answer.  We get SO caught up in things that don't matter.  We spend hours and hours fretting or complaining or wallowing in a pity party.  It's time to stop!  I need this reminder all the time, and yesterday's sermon at church really hit home.  I'd like to take a moment to share with you some of my take aways.

Our sermon series is focused on Numbers, and our pastor is doing an excellent job preaching from it. (Here's our sermon, in case you'd like to watch it.)  

The big idea was "between the PROMISE and the PLACE, we may find ourselves in circumstances that cause us to complain about God rather than crying out to God,"  and this message was taught from Numbers 11.  

The first point that was made was:  We can become so disappointed with our circumstances we become disillusioned about God.  This part of Numbers talked about how God provided manna for the people to eat, and they started complaining that they wanted other foods like meat and melons, etc.  How guilty am I for complaining about the things God has provided?  Maybe you too? God has provided for me in every way....I am ashamed to admit that I have complained about his provisions, and I am thankful for this conviction.  I'm aware of it, and I aim to stop it.  Our pastor pointed out that "criticizing and complaining is a highly infections disease."  So true.  So, so true.  Back to that manna....this was a note that I wrote down.  When we become disappointed with our circumstances, the things that were once sacred to you (manna, every provision), now become mundane and ordinary.  We don't want to get to this point.  Keep praising God for all he provides to you....don't spend your time complaining about it.  

One last point that really stuck out to me was "be very careful who you listen to in a time of need."  One book that I read a while back ago described a "Titus 2 Woman." Basically, a Titus 2 Woman, is a Christian woman who is older, and has wisdom because she has lived through times that you have not.  A Titus 2 Qoman is a woman who loves the Lord and wants to help you to grow in your faith.  I have two Titus 2 friends.  They help keep me grounded, and they listen.  They don't just give me advice like a friend, they give me biblical advice, and always point me to the Lord.  These are the people you need in your life.  (Click here to read Titus 2.  Are you a Titus 2 friend?  Do you have a Titus 2 friend?)  

It is my prayer, that God will continue to teach me perspective.  I pray that I will have this in the forefront of my mind, and encourage others in their walk with Christ as well.  


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