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We're Having a Baby!

Pardon the hair and the outfit, this was really early in the morning!
The Results Are In!

Proud Father Holding the Test

Kyle and I found out on Sunday, February 1, that we are pregnant! We had made the decision in November to go off the pill at the beginning of the New Year. We had talked a lot about starting a family, and prayed a lot about it too. We had always said that we wanted to wait until we had been married five years before we wanted to start trying, but one day in November, we just started talking about it. Both of us felt a stirring in our hearts and felt God saying that this would be a good time.
We were excited about getting off the pill, but had a constant thought in the back of our minds that it would probably take months for us to get pregnant. We prayed that God would bless us with children and it was a constant conversation that was going whenever we were alone-it was our secret. We didn’t tell anyone that we were not using any birth control, and we were so excited about this big step in our life.
The month of January was an exciting time for us. We were secretly trying to make a baby! It was so unreal to think about. However, in the back of our minds, we thought we would have to try for several months. We were just hoping to get pregnant before summer. We did! Just one month was all it took.
We woke up on Sunday morning and we had decided to take the test first thing. I had been extremely sleepy for a couple of weeks, and had some lower back pain. We tried not to think about it constantly and came up with other excuses about why I was so tired: stress, not sleeping good at night, the weather…but secretly I was praying it was because of a tiny baby growing inside of me. My prayers were answered on that Sunday morning. Just thinking of it right now brings tears to my eyes.
I have always known the power of prayer. Over the past year in my life, I have really seen God working in my life. I have learned how to have a more intimate relationship with Christ and had begun journaling my prayers. It is so amazing to see how God has answered my specific prayers.
Right now, the hardest part of this pregnancy is keeping quiet. I am in my 5th week and I am dying to tell my family, Kyle’s family, and our friends. We have only told 2 people, our dearest friends, Stuart and Jenny Borders. Their reaction was awesome! It was the best feeling in the world to share the news of our baby! Boy, were they shocked and excited!
I feel like my mind is spinning. I want so badly to share our good news with the world, but we have decided to wait a little bit longer…we’re going to try and wait it out till 8 weeks, right before my 1st doctors appointment, but Kyle’s sister Katie will be coming in next week, and he really wants to tell her and his mom at the same time. So, we’ll see.


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