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First Doctors Appointment

On March 2nd, Kyle and I went to our first doctors appointment. Boy, was it fun! Let's just say that funny things seem to happen to us no matter where we go. I won't go into specifics, but just know that peeing in a cup, while difficult, is quite hillarious!
We found out our baby's official due date....October 15th. Right in the middle of the month. The nurse informed us that instead of us being almost 9 weeks along, we were really only 8 weeks. We thought it was weird that we were off a week, but it's no big deal!
At this visit, they confirmed that we are pregnant, drew blood (which is a tramatic thing for me always!), and gave me a TB skin test. It wasn't that bad, Kyle said he was proud of me when it came time for the needles! I am trying to become courageous because I know that is the least of the pain that I will be experiencing in the next 7 months!
Before we left, we scheduled our next appointment. We are really excited because we get to hear the heart beat. We scheduled it for March 23rd-just 3 more weeks! I will be almost 11 weeks pregnant and the nurse said that we should be able to hear the heart beat loud and clear by that time.
Every time I think about this next appointment, I get really teary eyed and excited. I just can't believe that there is a tiny baby growing inside of me. And, that it has a heart beat. It is just amazing! God is amazing! I am so thankful for all of the blessings He is pouring upon Kyle and I.


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