My cup runneth over.....that saying describes my life so well. I feel like my heart is just bursting with love for many people! My Lord first off, my husband, my daughter, family, friends, and church family. I am so excited and feel very blessed. I love our family weekends and they always remind me of the blessings God has given me.
I have enjoyed a lazy Sunday afternoon with Kyle and Ava. We went to church this morning and it was so nice to fellowship and worship with our friends who are really more like family.
I am sitting here typing up this short blog while listening to Ava squealing at her daddy in the living room while they play together. I love listening to them interact with eachother. Kyle is an exceptional daddy. I have been reminded this week over and over at how in love with him I am. I am so grateful to have him as a husband and Ava is so blessed to have a very "hands on" daddy. Like I said, this will be short so that I can be a part of the family time!
I just wanted to include a few of my favorite pictures of Ava's six month photo shoot. This was by far the best photo shoot! The photographer really captured lots of smile and personality. If you'd like to see the rest you need to check out our album on Facebook.
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