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Back After a Much Too Long Break!

Family Trip to Cincinnati
Ava Watching the Fish

Swimming in the Pool

Meet Harold

Well, it has been way too long since I updated our Blog. We've had a lot going on, so now it is time to catch you up.

First of all, the reason why I finally have time to update you is because last night I finished my 2 classes for my masters. I never knew that a psychology and geography class could require so much of my time and energy, but it did. Every day I had several papers and quizzes and projects due. I finished my finals 2 days early and I am pretty sure I ended up with A's in both classes.

A couple of weeks ago, we took a mini vacation to Cincinnati to take Ava to the aquarium and to go to IKEA. We had never been before and my sister presented us with an opportunity that was so inexpensive, we just couldn't pass it up. Ava loved the aquarium and absolutely adores penguins now. She got a stuffed penguin, which she picked out at the gift shop and we named him Harold. I don't really know why that's the name, but it is. I really didn't think an eight month old baby at an aquarium would be such a fun time, but she really took in the sights and waved at all the animals. It was pretty cute.

I guess the most exciting news that is going on right now is that Kyle and I have decided to sell our house. We are ready to get out of Shawnee Estates (which feels like I've lived here for ten years, since I lived here in high school and college too) and we're moving out Three Springs Road to a subdivision called, McCoy Place. We have bought a nice lot out there, and as soon as we sell our house we're going to start building our home. It will take about 3 months for the house to be built, so we're going to live with my mom for those months. We're all really excited and can't wait to get started. We've had several lookers at the house and many people want it, but have to sell their house first. We know God has a plan and a time when all this will take place, so we're trying to be patient and see what he has in store for us.

So, what's Ava doing these days? Well, let me tell you. Ava is enjoying lots of time with Mommy and Daddy. She's really gotten into taking all her toys out of her little boxes and throwing them around the room. She's trying really hard to crawl, but right now she lays on her belly and pushes herself backward to get from point A to point B. She's pulling up to stand and walking when someone holds her hands. She started drinking from a sippy cup and is eating Puffs. She can pick them up and put them in her mouth like a pro now. She really likes when people watch her do her tricks and she gets tickled with herself a lot. She went swimming for the first time and then several times after that and she absolutely loves the water! No teeth yet, but we think they will be here soon. Her hair is getting really long, and we're just hoping she'll make it til she's one before she needs a new hair cut. We've really enjoyed being home with her this summer!

We sadly said good-bye to Lola recently. We could not give her the attention she deserved, and the dog hair was getting too much to handle with a baby that is on the floor all the time. We found her a nice home and her new friend is a six year old girl that she sleeps with, drags around the yard, and makes smile all the time. We are happy that our sweet dog made someone a happy person and love hearing all of the updates about her.

That's all I can think about as far as updates now, but there will be more posts to come soon!


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