Well, once again, I haven't been doing a good job at posting new blogs lately. We sold our house and now we're living with Kyle's mom while our new house is being built. We don't have internet for the next few months, but we're not missing it too bad!
Ava is ten months old now! She still doesn't have any teeth, but she is crawling now! She started late last month and now she is so fast! She started going to daycare again and absolutely loves it! It's so hard to be away from her all day, but we know she is in good hands.
Last month, Kyle, Ava, and I all went to Texas to spend some time with his sister, Karen, and her husband Scott. They are expecting twins and we had a lot of fun shopping for the babies and registering with Karen! It brought back lots of memories when we did all that last year! We had a blast in Texas and can't wait to go back again at the end of the year to see those babies!
School started up again last week. It is really tough getting back into a routine. Ava's having a hard time adjusting too. She's been waking up even earlier than we do. I guess she worries that we won't wake up to our alarm! She absolutely loves living at her Grammy's house! Grammy has two cats and Ava loves to crawl around with them and pet them. She also likes to play with their toys. I'm scared that by the time we are ready to move out she will think she is a cat!
We can't believe that in two short months Ava will be turning one! She has grown so much over the last ten months! We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us all!
Our new home will be built by Thanksgiving, and while we are really enjoying this time at Kyle's mom's house, we are really excited to get moved in to our own place! It is going to be fun watching the building process over the next few months.
Well, that's all for now! Sorry for this post being so scattered! Too much going on in my head right now and I wanted to make sure I got everything in. Hopefully I'll be able to post more frequently. These pictures are a few of our favorites from her nine month photo shoot and one is just one of my new favorites from home!
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