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Shutterfly Fun!

I love to send out personalized cards each year at Christmastime and this year there is no exception! This year, Shutterfly has given me 50 free cards because I am a blogger, and all I have to do is to tell you about all the great deals you can find on this awesome website, so here goes!

I started using Shutterfly right after Ava was born. The pictures we had taken at the hospital gave us a gift card to use with Shutterfly, and when we ordered a second batch we got another gift card as well! On top of all that, we got a third gift card from registering at Target. Add it all up and that made $30 in gift cards! I used the gift cards to create and send out Ava’s birth announcements! You can do the same by clicking on this link:! There are so many unique styles to choose from!

Another purchase I have made from Shutterfly in the past year was a really BIG purchase. And when I say BIG, I don’t mean pricey….I mean LARGE! I had Shutterfly enlarge some of our first family portraits so that I could make a beautiful photo collage on our living room wall! See the picture below?

Shutterfly had the best prices around when it came to enlargements. They also shipped everything so carefully that it made it to our house in tip top shape! If you need to get any prints enlarged for a gift or for yourself click here:!

My sister has made Ava two really special books with Shutterfly. One of the photobooks was a present to her when she was first born! It has pictures of all her family members and pictures of where she lives and everything! It was the perfect gift! The other book she made for Ava is an alphabet book that has pictures of Ava holding everyday items that begin with different letters of the alphabet. These photobooks are the best gifts because they really come from the heart! If you’d like to make one, you can get all the details by clicking this link:

Finally, my most favorite thing Shutterfly has to offer! Christmas Cards! You have got to take a look at the hundreds of different types of Christmas cards! You can personalize the sayings and edit pictures and decide how many photos you want on the card and even where they are placed! It’s like you own your own card making studio, and of course it’s all at a terrific price! Click the link below to see all of the magnificent cards you can choose from! I’ll reveal my own personal cards in the mail of course! Unless, we run out, and if that’s the case I’ll post it on here so that everyone can see how great Shutterfly does!

Well, that’s it for now! I am so happy I had a chance to tell you about all the great deals on Shutterfly! Check it out for yourself and make something special for someone you love! Merry Christmas!


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