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Our Funny Daughter!

Ava is growing up wayyyyy too fast! In the past few weeks she has learned a lot and seems to have gotten funnier as the days go on. Let me update you on our funny girl!

  • Goodbye! Ava has said bye-bye for a long time now, but lately her goodbyes have become so much cuter! We will tell her to say goodbye to someone and she starts waving and saying bye. Instead of it coming out bye, it's more like bah, bah, baaaaahhhhh, and she continues saying bye for a very long time after whoever has left. She is soooo southern when she says bye! I love it!
  • She thinks it is funny for us to smell her feet and then she will smell own and says shew, shew like they really do stink! She's taken it a step further now. We will be sitting there and instead of smelling our feet, she starts to try to put our toes in her mouth! Yuck! How do you teach someone that it's not nice to put someone's toes in your mouth!?!
  • She thinks it is so funny when we ask her to give us a kiss. She will run away, and when we start going after her she runs toward us with a big kiss right on the lips! Sooo sweet!
  • She gives us random hugs....right around our neck and squeezes us tight. It literally makes our heart melt.
  • I don't know if she's ready for a baby brother or sister, or just ready to be a babysitter, but she has really been loving on her baby dolls lately. They have no clothes on because clothes really bother her, and she carries them all over the house! She pushes them in her stroller, she shares her milk and snacks with them, she begs for me to put her in her crib with one of the babies and she covers it up and pats its back. It is tremendously cute!
  • A few of her new words are yellow, purple, and backpack. I think it's pretty amazing that she can identify things that are these colors!
  • When I'm wearing my pink, fluffy robe, I get countless hugs! I know she just really loves the way the robe feels, but I love the extra loving!
  • She got a new toy ram at Target that she loves! She takes it all over the house and we keep finding him in random places in our house including: The pantry, our bathtub, our bathroom scale, and standing in front of the refrigerator. Ava's also had a nice tea party with the ram. Weird huh?
  • She is really into Dora right now! She tries to sing the theme song and it is super cute!
  • Her new thing is to go to the TV and turn it on and off! She thinks it is hilarious! Not so fun when she got her hand stuck in the VCR in our bedroom though! But that doesn't stop her from doing it again!

Well, this was a slightly scattered post, but I hope it brought a smile to your face like it does ours!


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