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Super Husband

I just have to take a moment to brag on my husband. He's really great and deserves to hear about it every now and then! ;)

Ok. So, the past few weeks have been some of the hardest in my entire life. I have totally been knocked off my feet with this job loss junk. It really stunk to tell him about it all, to see him upset (not at me...I didn't do anything wrong!), sad, worried, and out of it (literally). This is how we both felt three Friday's ago. It was like the life had been sucked out of us. We were both really mad and really upset. We would go from crying to staring at each other, and then we'd go back to crying and then staring again. We were both very weak for about a full week.

But....we have slowly picked ourselves up off the ground, and are moving on. It's ok to be upset about a life changing event like this. However, we have learned that moping around doesn't make us feel any better and it definitely does not make our situation change. It's time to move on.

Kyle has been amazing through all of this. I truly think God is using this situation as a time for learning and growing in Christ. I know that this is another thing to add to my testimony, and I know the Lord has a plan for this.

Back to Kyle. He's been the rock I've needed him to be through all of this. He's let me cry, let me yell, let me sit and be quiet. He's done more than his share of laundry, dishes, cleaning, baby caring. He's let me sleep at the most random times. (I actually fell asleep for some reason yesterday and Ava was sitting on top of me and pulling at my hair and I didn't even notice. I have never, ever been so tired in all my life.) He's been so encouraging and motivating and has helped me with figuring out insurance information and application information. He's called the board to ask questions that I simply could not understand. He's picked up Ava when I have needed to run and get things done after school. He's been so loving and such a good husband.

I'm not saying things have been perfect. I'm not saying that this messy ordeal has not caused arguing and bad moods. But what I am saying is that I am so blessed to have married this man. I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us next.

I love you, Kyle. I am honored that you chose me to share your life with.


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