Wow! It still feels insane to say that our little girl is two years old now! We just can't believe how fast the past two years have flown by! We have cherished every moment with her and truly enjoy parenthood. It is a beautiful gift from God.
I've been terrible about updating things lately, and have literally been meaning to do a birthday post for about 3 weeks now. Better late than never though!
Ava's birthday was on a beautiful Saturday and we had her party at our house in the back yard. Lots of family and friends came out to celebrate. I'll just let the pictures do the rest of the story telling!
The spread. Mmmmm.... Tastefully Simple Beer Bread (made with Sprite), veggie tray, apples with caramel dip, chips, cheese, olives, crackers, meatballs four types of dips.....I could eat like this every day! (And then I'd be on the Biggest Loser).
The gift table. Enough said.
The beautiful birthday girl.
Let's get this party started. It's time to get serious.
William came to the party. They really enjoyed eating apple slices together. Emili and I believe they are in love.
Ava's buddy Kinsley came too! She was sooo excited. Kinsley loved Ava's new Tinkerbell purse. I think she was ready to go shopping in this picture.
Aubrey also got to come! Ava loves Aubrey so much!
Maggie came too! (I can't believe that this is the baby I used to keep all the time! She's so grown up. And beautiful!)
Mason also came to the party. I love this picture, and think it should be in a magazine somewhere.
And of course, Whitman was at the party. He was Ava's big birthday gift, so he ran around with a pretty red bow on all day!
The kids worked on painting cupcakes to take home and decorate their bedrooms.
I think there's some real talent here. Let me know if you'd like one sometime :)
Then it was time for presents.

I just had to include this picture because it makes me laugh every time I see it. What's going on here? I think it could be on Ellen's "What's Wrong with these Photos" photos.
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