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Let me start off by saying that I was never the kind of kid that especially liked to get dirty.  Lots of things grossed me out as a child and I gagged over things...a lot.  I remember crying over our worm lesson in 3rd grade.  They made us take a worm, touch it with our hands/fingers, and measure it on a ruler.  Do you know how hard this was for me?  Worms are A) disgusting and B) most likely carrying many diseases.  As I have gotten older, and especially since becoming a mom....things have started to bother me more and more.  One of those things being....germs.

I cannot turn off my mind when it comes to germs.  It's really bad when we are out in public.  I have decided to create a not-so-short list of all the things that I have germ issues with and I'd like to see if I'm the only one out there with this problem or not.

Here goes my list:

1.  Ketchup/Condiments that are on the tables at restaurants for everyone to use.  (Do you think they sanitize those?)

2.  People who spit.  Especially tobacco, but really any kind of spitting makes me sick.

3.  Nose Blowing.  Especially at the dinner table or in the kitchen area.  Any time you need to blow your nose you should totally go into the bathroom, shut the door, and run the sink.  No one likes to hear all that racket.

4.  Stray hairs on surfaces.

5.  Used bandaids that haven't been disposed of properly.

6.  Wads of toilet paper in bathrooms.  Those get me every time.

7.  Parents who put their kids pacis in their own mouths.  (Not sooo gross, but they just look silly.  There's no reason for that at all. Hope I'm not offending anyone.)

8.  Serving utensils at buffets.

9.  Child potties that you have to empty and clean.  Gag.

10.  Sharing water with someone else.  Cokes, lemonade, tea, etc. don't bother me for some reason.

11.  Dropping something on a table at a restaurant or other public place and then eating it.

12.  When people put their hands in their mouths.  Whether it is to pick at their teeth or bite their's all just gross.

13.  Purses on tables.  (This comes from my granny.)  The bottoms of your purse is apparently the germiest place on earth (ok...not really, but some study has been done about it).  So then when I see purses on a table that you're gonna eat off of, it really sicks me out.  Don't do that anymore people!

14.  Shaking hands with people.  You don't know where their hands have been.  They could have just coughed in their hand or picked their nose.  Nasty.  I always have hand sanitizer in my purse for situations like this.

I thought my list was going to be a lot longer.  I guess I'm not as bad as I thought!  Just kidding, I know it's bad, and there are probably hundreds of other things I can add to my list.  Why don't you share some of yours?  


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