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An Eventful Day

Well, last week Kyle and I went to the doctor for a baby appointment.  Two weeks before-hand I had failed   my one hour glucose test.  My doctor thought it could've been a fluke, but nevertheless, I had to go back for the dreaded 3 hour test.  As a girl with a phobia of needles, the thought of something being in my arm for 3-4 hours was just about the most awful experience I could imagine.  Still, it had to be done, so done it was. Here's how the day went.  We went in at 7:30, and they stuck a device in my arm and drew a vial of blood from it.  They handed me a small bottle of lemon-lime sugar drink to down in 5 minutes or less.  Now, I was there on a completely empty stomach, the drink was TERRIBLE, and I immediately started feeling queasy.  I drank it down and the lady showed me and Kyle to a secret waiting room where we could watch TV and wait out the next three hours.  The first hour was the WORST ever!  I was nauseated, dizzy, and suddenly very cold.  My arm and hand started swelling up and I thought I was gonna have to get my rings cut off of my finger!  Once the first hour was over they took 2 more vials of blood (one was thrown out because there was a saline solution mixed in, but the other was for the lab).  We went back for round two. We sat in the little waiting room and then our buzzer went off for the third draw.  Out came 2 more vials of blood.  I wasn't as nauseated after that first hour, but hunger and a headache were now my bffs.  After the second hour we went up to our doctor's appointment.  We were thankful for a change in scenery, but were also worried because we had to keep our eye on the time so I was back at the lab in exactly one hour.  We visited with the doctor, and headed back down for the fourth draw of blood (two more vials), and the removal of the spigot that was in my arm.  It didn't hurt too bad coming out, the worst part was when they removed all the tape off my arm.  I definitely made a small scene.  After that, we just had to wait to hear back from the doctor (several hours later).

Rewind a bit to the doctor's appointment now.  Anniston's heart rate was in the 140s and he had a difficult time finding it because she is SO active.  We got to hear her rustling around in there, and finally got to hear that sweet beating heart.  When he measured me he said that it (uterus) was measuring 3 weeks ahead.  Since our doctor does an early ultrasound, we know her "exact" due date, so he said to make sure there's not too much fluid in there, we should do another ultrasound at our next visit.  We got all that scheduled and set out back down to the lab.  On our way down we saw my real doctor (she's been off on medical leave for our last two visits).  She didn't seem concerned about me measuring so far ahead.  She kind of rolled her eyes and said, "You're short, that's normal."  So I feel better about that!

Once we were done at the clinic we headed out to a place that Kyle's been craving this entire pregnancy.....Hibachi Grill Buffet.  We ate some delicious Chinese food and headed home to wait to see about the test.

I HATE waiting on any kind of test results.  I waited for several hours and finally just called because I couldn't wait any longer.  Sure enough, my results were there.  I found out that one of the draws of blood came back abnormal so I have gestational diabetes.  I wasn't as upset as I was the first time because I KNEW something was wrong.  I've been dealing with this extreme weakness for months and the doctor said that it could be contributed to the diabetes.  We went back and got our write-up on everything, went to the pharmacy and got my blood testing kit.

The doctor wants me to check my blood 4 times a day.  Right when I get out of bed, and 2 hours after each meal.  In the morning it should be in the 70-90 range and after meals it can be no higher than 120.  I was NOT excited about this part since I am so terrified of needles, but Kyle's stepmom, who also has diabetes, taught me how to do it all.  It's not the most fun thing I've ever done, but I know that it could be worse.  I will do anything for my daughter(s) and I'd rather me be the one put through it than her.  So, now I'm learning about how food has such an effect on blood sugar levels.  I'm thankful that this will (hopefully) end when the baby is born.  It's definitely made me more sympathetic to people who have to deal with this every day of their lives.

We are looking forward to seeing sweet Anniston next week, and praying that everything still looks healthy and that she's in the correct position for delivery!


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