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What We've Been Up To.....

Well, it's been a while since my last post so while I have 3 infants, a toddler, and a preschooler sleeping, I thought I'd take a moment to update my blog.

This summer has been one like no other.  The first day of summer, I started my new babysitting business.  It is lovely being able to be with my two girls and watch some of their buddies at the same time.  Lovely, exciting, and sometimes a little crazy!  But....I wouldn't have it any other way!  During the summer months I have juggled 7 different families so that I could keep 3 kids each day.  It's a lot to keep up with and it keeps me on my toes but I'm not complaining!  I love it!

Ava has become Momma's Little Helper.  She is sweeter than ever, checking to see if I ever need help, grabbing diapers for me when changing the babies, all while telling me "You're the best mommy in the whole world!"  (I honestly don't know where she came up with that, but it ALWAYS makes me stop and think of how blessed I am to be her mommy.)  She'll also stop what she's doing to come tell me that she loves me. to my ears!  She has become insanely obsessed with her baby doll, Izzie, and we really can't do anything without her.  Izzie has to go with us to church, she has to have her outfit changed according to the time of day, she sleeps with her, takes her to the grocery, eats with her, takes her EVERYWHERE we go, and quite frankly Izzie drives us nuts!  But....I'm glad she's such an imaginative little girl!  Speaking of imaginative, Ava is now married to a handsome little boy I keep.  She refers to him as "my husband."  And Izzie is their daughter.  Oy!  She and her husband enjoy pushing their baby in the stroller and going on dates!

Anniston has been growing like a weed this summer!  She started crawling, started standing up holding on to the couch and other things she can pull up on, and just recently she has started standing without holding on to anything!  Slow down little girl! This momma isn't quite ready for her to be walking!  She is still enjoying home made babyfood and is now starting table food!

Kyle has been working hard on his classroom this summer.  He got a late start on it since they were tiling the floor in there, so the last few weeks he has had to really clean it up and get it ready for a new batch of his third graders!  I can't believe this will be his sixth year teaching!  He does a great job at it and his school is lucky to have such a great teacher in their building!

As for me, I've been adjusting to my new role as a stay at home mom, childcare provider, and continuing on with my Norwex career.  Learning to stay home every single day has been quite the adjustment.  I never realized how nice it was to just be able to load up the van and head to the library or to grab a quick bite for lunch until this summer.  It's really not practical for me to just hop in the van for a quick outing, and I'm not too comfortable with driving around 5 kids!  So, we stick to staying at home and do our outings later in the evening.  I've tried very hard to make home a fun place for my girls and the other children who are here.  I have been using a Bible based curriculum to teach lessons from the Bible.  Ava is really retaining the information and it makes my heart so happy!  We don't watch TV during the day....we focus on learning through play, listening to music, doing arts and crafts, listening to stories, and many other fun activities!

A few weeks ago, we took the girls to the beach in Florida and had an absolute blast.  We were in need of some extreme quality time with just our family and it was amazing.  We are ready to go back soon!

Kyle and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary in June and celebrated by going ziplining and free-falling off a tower at Mammoth Cave.  It was scary and fun!

We also planted our very first garden this summer.  We have green beans, lettuce, tons of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and zucchini.  It has been such a blessing to be able to eat the food that we have planted and watered!  It's also an amazing reminder of God's amazing work!  Ava has become quite the gardener herself!  We will be sad to see it die, but will look forward to doing it all over again next spring!
School starts tomorrow and I must admit, it is a little weird not spending time in my own classroom and getting things ready to welcome in a new batch of students, but I don't have too much time to sit around and dwell on it.  God continues to reaffirm this new chapter in my life and I know without a doubt that this is where I am supposed to be! 

Well.....naptime is just about over, which means so is my free time!  See ya next time!


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