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Fatherhood :)

Hey Blog World! It's Kyle.

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would take this opportunity. Both girls are asleep and so as I am not sleepy, I shall post.

Ava is so amazing! She is almost 6 months old and we cant believe how fast time has gone. Everyday there seems to be something new that she does. I had thoughts of how this would be but never did I imagine that having a child would enrich our lives so much. Rebecca and I truly thank God for her everyday. She is a gift from God and we owe it all to Him. What an Everlasting God we serve. I am constantly thinking in my mind "Am I doing enough?" and Rebecca reminds me of how great of a father I am. That just is the best gift she could give. I literally can't wait each day for the 3:30 announcement at school saying that we are dismissed so that I can hurry home to see her. What an incredible blessing!

Rebecca and I enjoy every second with her and realize that time is going so fast and we make sure to soak in each moment. Each day we spend with her is our favorite day. There is not a certain thing or day that is more special than the other. Each second of every day with her is the best. Each thing she does or look she gives us is special.

Many people have asked "How are you adjusting?" and the statement "It will change your life" or "It is hard work" has been brought up time after time after time. Our answer: Our baby girl brings so much joy to our lives and hearts that even though it has been an adjustment this experience was something that we were completely ready for and prayed for since even before we found out we would be welcoming her into our life. Also, it has changed our life but for the better! She brings so much love to us (have I mentioned that?) and has deepened the love Rebecca and I have for each other. We honestly don't consider parenthood to be "hard work". Work is where we go each day. Work is a building. Work is not having a child. We have to work with one another each day but realizing the love we have for our child and family is the best GIFT we could have ever received. When you go into parenthood your responsibilities change and you see things differently but to say this is hard is almost insinuating that we weren't ready and didn't know what we were doing. We knew that we were called by God to be parents and to bring Ava into this world and raise her to be a child of God. That is the WORK I am focused on. Sorry if this sounds like I am on a soap box because I am not intending that in any way. I just am expressing my feelings about our child. Also, I don't want people to think we are perfect or have it all figured out but we sure try hard each day to do what is best for Ava. What a blessing she is and an incredible journey that has begun. She has so completely blessed our lives.

Until next time....God Bless and thanks for following us through each exciting and fun stage.



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