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This post is dedicated to 2 firsts for Ava: daycare and ear infection.

Last Monday, Ava went to daycare for the very first time. We had mixed feelings about her starting. We were sad because our awesome babysitter would no longer be coming to watch her each day. We were happy because we've been on this waiting list for over a year now. We were sad because we knew she would be prone to more illness, but we were happy that she would be around new kids and people. We were sad because we knew it would be a BIG adjustment for all three of us, but we were happy because there will now be more structure and more people to love her. I could go on and on about these pros and cons, but who has the time?

Her first week was a success. The first day went well. Her teacher was out all last week so she had two different people filling in for her. Tuesday and Wednesday were rough because her schedule was misread and she was overfed which led to an upset belly and lots of spit up. Thursday and Friday she was back on schedule and was much better all around. Then Saturday came. She was a bit stuffy so I called our doctor who informed me that since she had no fever and was still eating and sleeping, the only thing we could do was to give her saline drops and suction stuff out of her nose. Then it was Sunday. She was up in the wee hours of the morning coughing a horrible cough and sneezing a lot as well. We decided a full day of rest would do her some good. We stayed home from church to make sure she had lots of TLC. And then Monday came. She didn't sound as bad as she did on Sunday so Kyle loaded her up for daycare. I called after lunch to check on her and they said she didn't act like she felt well so I went ahead and made an appointment after school.

I took her on in and after the doctor checked her ears and throat, she determined Ava had her first ear infection. Booo!!! She screamed quite a bit while the doctor cleaned out her ears and then went straight to sleep in my arms as we were instructed on how to take care of it. She prescribed Amoxicillin and said she should be feeling better in a couple of days. Kyle is going to take off work tomorrow to stay home and take good care of her. I feel bad for not staying, but if we are ever going to have any more kids I gotta start seriously saving these sick days! I pretty much drained mine after taking my extended maternity leave (which was worth it...every single second!) and Kyle has quite a few accumulated. So, he's playing daddy and doctor tomorrow. I have no doubt in my mind that he will take excellent care of our girl!

Hopefully Ava will feel better in no time. We are thankful that it is nothing serious and glad that it can be treated with some anti-biotics.

Those are two firsts and I am sure there will be more to come!!!


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