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If I hear it one more time.....

Let me start off by saying, I am not one of those women who get depressed because they gain weight during pregnancy. If you don't want to gain weight, don't get pregnant. However, this is the week that I have had it with comments from people. So, I decided to blog about the rudeness of people.

I know that short people who get pregnant carry it differently than normal size people who get pregnant. My weight is in my belly. And I look big. Period. I wish other people could just use their brain and realize that all women are different BEFORE they open their mouth.

This week at open house, every person who passed by me said I looked like I was about to pop. Women at church, Wal-Mart, and everywhere else say I look miserable (and I can be laughing my head off at a joke when they say this), I am compared to every other pregnant lady that has walked this earth, and I am asked over and over how many babies are in my belly. This week at school a man teacher came into the faculty meeting and looked straight at me and called me fat. I can't take these rude comments anymore!!!

I want to set the record straight for all of you readers out there. 1-I am pregnant, not fat. 2-I am due in mid October. 3-There is only one baby. 4-Yes, I am sure!

I just had to get that out!

On a lighter subject...
  • We are T minus 10 weeks until we get to see our daughter. We are so excited! We've finished her nursery and I'm posting pictures on here pronto.
  • Jenny is throwing me a shower at church on August 23rd and I'm so excited! It will be my first shower and I am so thankful that she's coordinating it all!
  • I felt Ava get hiccups for the first time last week. It's pretty funny. I hope she doesn't end up with chronic hiccups like me. They last for hours it seems.
  • I've been nesting, I think. One night at 10:30, I decided it was high time to re-organize the silverware drawer, label each slot for the appropriate utensil, and scrub the dishwasher. One morning at 6 a.m. I felt the need to organize all the tupperware containers and glasses and mugs. Tonight I just had to clean out my pajama drawer and finally get rid of my old cheerleading T-shirts and shorts. I wonder what could be next....
  • I'm feeling extremely hot right now....not looks wise but temperature. I feel like I sweat all the time and I can never cool down. For a hot natured person, this is not fun.
  • Kyle and I both started school back this week and it has taken its toll on us. We are planning to do nothing this weekend and get re-fueled for next week.

Well, this was the most random post I think I have ever published, but that is one word that best describes me...RANDOM! Until next time...


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