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Loving Life!

Snuggle time with Daddy.
I love this girl!

Wow! Two weeks has passed since Ava was born. Lots has happened in those two weeks. Let me see if I can catch you up!

This week, Kyle went back to work. We have really missed him being at home, but we are also having wonderful days together! Kyle has done a great job adjusting to work and being a daddy. He still helps a great deal at night too which blows most people away. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband.

Ava has quickly gotten on a feeding routine and is eating every three hours during the day. At night she eats at 9:30 and then we have to wake her up around 2:30 to eat and then wake her up again at 6:30 to eat. I think if we didn't wake her up she'd probably sleep until morning, but we gotta make sure she's getting the calories she needs to gain weight at a healthy pace. Last Wednesday we took her to the doctor to get her weight checked. She had only gained two ounces since we left the hospital. We went back to the doctor yesterday and she's back to her birth weight. She is a good little eater just like her mom and dad!

We are absolutely loving being parents. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect little baby. Just when you think life is good, God blesses you with a child and it gets even better. We are so thankful and blessed.


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