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The Week is Here!

We can't believe this is the week we will see our daughter. Some of you may be thinking, "What? How do you know? Your due date isn't even until next week!" Well, let me update those of you who may be thinking this.

Last week, on Wednesday, we went to the doctor, hoping and praying that my body would be showing some progress towards having a baby. The doctor checked and informed us that the baby is still kinda high, and that I'm not 1 cm dilated, but I'm not 0 cm either. So she told us it was time to make a plan. Here's what she came up with. She said that if I am dilated 2-3 cm by this Wednesday, then she'll send me over to the hospital right then and start inducing me. But, if I'm not 2-3 cm then the following day, Thursday, she would do a c-section. She knew we were going to be on Fall Break and that we'd love to spend a couple of free extra days off with Ava so she said we could do it this week. She's going out of town on Friday so we didn't really have a choice on which day, we had to do what we had to do. And I definitely didn't want to have to go back to school after Fall that makes this week THE WEEK! We're still in disbelief because it's here. We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves.

That brings me to the second topic of discussion. We are praying constantly that this will be an old-fashioned birth (that is the term I use so I don't offend any male readers out there! The other word is gross according to them! :) ) There are many reasons why we don't want a c-section but we understand and accept that if that is what God has planned for Ava's birth then that will be how it happens. So, for any of you reading this, we ask that you pray along with us that Ava will either come on her own or that I will be induced.

For all of you who know me, you know that I am a planner. I would like to say that I'm spontaneous, but going out for ice cream or pulling over at a gas station for a Dr. Pepper is about the extent of my spontaneity. Kyle and I both love having a schedule and calenders and To-Do lists. We find great joy in crossing things off our list. So, we think the doctor giving us this specific week to expect our child to be born is God's way of getting us prepared! We know it could happen at any minute and if it doesn't then we know for sure it will happen by Thursday. So, back to my planning problem. Normally, I would be a nervous wreck at this point...I think. Just trying to get everything together and making sure everything is ready for her would stress me out to the max. But, I have never in my life felt so much peace. I am simply waiting, waiting, waiting and praying, praying, praying. Yesterday, church was amazing and so special to me. I knew it would be the last time I went to church for several weeks and Kyle stayed in the pew instead of going to the choir. The music that we sang were reminders of who God is and how faithful He is. My heart was so full. I am so thankful to be a daughter of the King of Kings.

Finally, I have to give a shout out to my awesome husband. Right now as I read this he is doing the chore he hates more than anything....mowing. Since this will most likely be my final post as a pregnant woman, I feel he deserves a bragging session. He has been a wonderful husband since the day we said "I do," but has been the epitome of perfect throughout this pregnancy. He has taken on every chore and insisted that I just let him. This has been so hard for me. I am a pretty independent person. I like things to get done in a certain way at certain times. I would much rather do things on my own than ask someone to help me with something. As a pregnant, short woman, there are many things I cannot physically do because they are too dangerous. For example, climbing on chairs and counter tops to get items out of reach-just shouldn't do that pregnant. But even little things Kyle has taken over. He has waited on me hand and foot since the day we found out we were expecting. He has taken care of all the yard work, laundry, and cleaning-and he does a pretty good job of it. It is so hard for me to just sit back and watch him work, but that's what he asked of me. Ever since we got married, we split up the household chores and each did our part, I felt so selfish just sitting there, but I know that's what he wanted. (Don't get me wrong. I still managed to get food on the table and occasionally, on a wild burst of energy, would scrub the house down!) So, to my amazing husband, I say thank you, and I love you. I hope that every woman would be as blessed as I am.

Ok. We're about to head off to get some last minute things done for Ava. Please be praying for us at this time. Pray for a healthy baby and a safe delivery. We love you all!


  1. We are definitely praying! I am so excited for you guys!

  2. what a testimony for little Ava to know that her parents know and love God, and that she will grow in the knowledge of the King. She's such a blessed little thing, you know. :)

    Love you guys.


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