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Totally In Love....

Well, since our last post, I gave birth to our first daughter, Ava. We are totally in love with her. She is perfect and beautiful and amazing. We can't thank God enough for this precious blessing.

Let me update you on the last week. Last Thursday morning, we went and checked into the hospital at 9:30 for my scheduled C-section. The surgery was scheduled for 11:30. I felt pretty good up until the hour before the surgery happened. At that time, I got the nervous shakes. I was scared of going under the knife for my first time ever, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well everything went. The doctor was late so everything got pushed back about an hour which made the nerves really kick in. At a little before 1:00 I was wheeled in to the OR. Kyle had to wait in a little room until a nurse came to get him. I had to get my spinal tap and he couldn't be in there for that. I warned the nurse that I was going to squeeze her really hard because I was scared to death of that needle. I was for sure it was going to kill I wrapped my arms around this sweet nurse and she told me everything that was happening. I felt the anesthesiologist's fingernail poking around my spine and then it was time for the shot. I felt a little prick for a second and then I was numb from the chest down. They laid me flat on the table and started getting me ready. The doctor asked if I felt anything and I said no and she informed me that she was pinching me incredibly hard with some clamps. I was amazed that I didn't feel a thing.

The next thing I knew Kyle was sitting right beside me. I was totally calm. This is due to the amazing anesthesiologist who was right next to me the whole time. He told me everything that was happening. He was the nicest person....I joke about my "strong feelings" for him because he made me so comfortable at a scary time.

During the operation, the only thing I felt was a heavy feeling in my ribs. I describe it as a 600 pound man sitting on my rib cage. As soon as they pulled Ava out I felt immediate relief. It was like the feeling you get after holding your breath for a long time under water and then taking your first breath.

At 1:14, Ava Layne Brooks entered into our life. I let out cries of joy when I heard the doctor say she was here and I heard her cry for the first time. Kyle brought her over for me to see and even though it was difficult to see her because of all the drapes and people in the way, I could see that she was perfect and beautiful. She was screaming so loud....everyone commented on her healthy lungs. Then, Kyle and Ava were off for her big debut. He took her out to meet the family and then spent time in the nursery doing skin to skin with her. She also got her first bath and they weighed and measured her. She weighed 8 lbs 5 1/4 oz at birth and she was 20 inches long.

Meanwhile, I laid on the operating table getting closed up. Everyone in the OR kept saying how great my incision looked and my good friend and anesthesiologist, Jonathan informed me that everything was looking good. He even said "Girl, you are skinny now." I just knew I was going to look like a Barbie when this was all said and done. (Boy was he exaggerating a bit when he said that.) After that, I was wheeled to the recovery room where I had to lay for an hour with a really nice nurse named Michael. My anesthesiologist, Jonathan came and told me how great I did during the surgery and made sure that I felt ok. I'm pretty sure that every nurse and doctor and patient in the recovery room probably thought I came from the crazy floor because I just laid in bed laughing and crying hysterically for an hour. I got to drink a coke...which was wonderful because I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 8:30 p.m. the night before. They gave me some pain medicine in my IV and it made me feel divine.

After waiting the long hour in recovery, I was wheeled in to my room. I was wheeled right past all my family and friends. Kyle was there in an instant. I just remember asking him if she was okay and he kept telling me she was perfect. Several of our family and friends was in there. And then, the most magical moment of my life happened. The nurse brought in our daughter and I got to hold her for the first time. Just thinking about it now, 8 days later, makes my heart swell and tears stream down my face. I was and am so happy.

The nurses and technicians took such great care of us while we were in the hospital. We left on October 11th and set out for our first days at home.

It was neat going home. Kyle drove really slow and who can blame him? We had a precious gift in the backseat. When we got home we unpacked our things and put Ava down for a nap in her crib. We spent time together at home as a family and everything felt so perfect.

We've really gotten into the swing of things. Kyle is an amazing husband and father. He helps with everything...feeding, diaper changes, and getting up to check on her every sound throughout the night. She's doing such a great job. We are feeding her about every three hours during the day and at night we try to feed her every four hours. Although, she sleeps really well and sometimes goes five hours before we have to wake her up to feed her. She loves sleeping in her crib.

Each day we are learning more and more about her. What she likes and what she doesn't like and how she likes things done. I have enjoyed and cherish every second that she has been in our life. God has truly blessed us with Ava. It is amazing to think about how He knew everything about her before she was even conceived. She is a miracle and a blessing. We praise Him for this gift and strive to worship Him and thank Him for her daily.

Enjoy the pictures and if you are dying to see more, you need to check out our albums on Facebook.


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