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Showers, Doctor's Appointments, Tears, and Updates

We have been so busy lately we feel like we never stop going. Let me take a moment to update you with what's going on at the Brooks home.

First of all, we have had two wonderful showers in the past couple of weeks. One was hosted by my dear friend Jenny, at church, and the other was hosted by Kyle's former job...the doctor's office. We have started a big collection of things we actually need. We are slowly starting to feel like we are actually ready for the big day and the day we bring Ava home from the hospital. One of my biggest fears was that I would go into early labor and not be able to leave the hospital because we wouldn't have a car seat. Well, that has been resolved because this week we got it along with our stroller. We love it! We put it together immediately and started strolling around with it. We also installed the car seat base in our car and feel pretty good about things now. Our friends and family have truly been blessings during this time by helping to supply us with sweet clothes and necessities. Showers are so much fun! Who doesn't love fun games, awesome snacks, and spending time with friends and family? We actually have 3 more to go. We're both so excited!

So, here's a funny story of something that happened to me just yesterday. We had our doctor's appointment. This time it would be different because I would be seeing another doctor from the office we go to. My doctor, along with many others, thinks it is best for you to have at least one visit with the other doctors just in case one of them have to deliver the baby. Yesterday's appointment was routine: all he had to do was check the baby's heartbeat, position, my urine, blood pressure, and weight. So, please picture this in your mind. I'm laying on the exam table with my big, round, striped belly (bad tan line still from the pool incident) up in the air. He starts pressing on my stomach to figure out the position of the baby. Then, he grabs the Doppler to listen to the heartbeat. I'm trying to be very quiet so I can hear, and as he is rubbing this wand across my belly, he burps right there in my face. I have never thought anything was as funny as this, but I didn't want to make him feel bad for his gas. So I pressed my lips together and tried to stifle my giggles. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding how hilarious this was until I looked down at my belly. It is shaking so hard and going up and down because of my hidden laughter. So, I know he knows I was dying laughing inside and he simply says, "Sorry." There are just two words for this experience...HILARIOUS and AWKWARD! I love it....

And the good news is....Ava is in position for birth! We've been coaching her to be head down- she's already so obedient! Our next doctor's appointment is September 14th and after that, every week! I never thought I'd be so excited about going to the doctor's office.

Another thing I have been experiencing a lot more frequently is tears. I will break down and bawl over the silliest things lately. For example, I'm sitting at school and the teachers are eating lunch like we do every day and I look over at my coworkers tray and see a bag of Goldfish crackers. Huge tears well up in my eyes and I sit there staring at my own food trying desperately to hold them back. What would make me so emotional you ask? Here's what went on in my mind at that moment. "One day, Ava will be old enough to eat Goldfish crackers and it will be a regular on my grocery list." She's already growing up way to fast. I know, I know...very silly. Another crying moment you beg....ok here goes. Early August I go to get my hair cut and highlighted and before I left I said, "I guess I should go ahead and make my next appointment because I want my hair to look good in hospital pictures." I scheduled the appointment for September 25 and immediately started crying. Good thing my sunglasses were on my head. I put them on and apologized for being so silly. But I was thinking...that could be the last time I get my hair done before I'm a mom. Ava may be here two weeks after that. My hair dresser felt for me and hugged me and rubbed my was a touching moment. Kyle just stood there smiling and shaking his head. I guess he's used to my silliness. But sometimes my tears aren't for sweet reasons like Goldfish crackers and hair appointments. Sometimes they are just tears of anxiety. For early morning I went to the Minit Mart to get a wonderful Dr. Pepper (don't get too many cokes these days). As I walked in I noticed a man with a pony tail paying for a bag of ice. I paid for my drink and walked out of the store. The pony tail man was getting his ice out of the cooler. In my mind, I pictured myself falling (as I often vision) and going into early labor. What if the man used his cell phone to call Kyle and Kyle didn't answer his phone because he didn't know the number? What if the pony tail man had to take me to the hospital and he was in the delivery room when I gave birth? What if Kyle never made it to the hospital until she was already born and didn't get to experience any of it? This was an awful feeling. I cried on the way to school as I took precious swigs of my Dr. Pepper. I could tell it was going to be a tough day. I texted Kyle and he assured me that he would answer his phone no matter what the number. That relieved me for a bit....but what if.......

Aside from showers, belching doctors, and crazy crying spells, we just can not believe that we are 34 weeks pregnant. I can not believe that in six weeks (or less, hopefully not more) Ava will be here! It's hard to believe, but I can not wait. We're so ready to see her.


  1. Your blog is great! You guys are going to be awesome parents!! :)



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