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January's Over.....What?!?

Where has the time gone? I can not believe January is just about over. Things have been crazy busy in our home, but still great nonetheless.

Ava's getting so big! She's rolling over from back to belly and belly to back, she's playing with toys (her favorite is a monkey we named Milo), she's laughing and "talking" all the time; her personality is really starting to shine through. I can't believe our baby is going to be 4 months old in about a week. CRAZY! Other updates on our girl.....she's sleeping through the night, we were blessed that she started doing that at 6 weeks (Babywise really helped with this!) She's getting rice cereal in two bottles a day during the week and she's also taking Prevacid. Both of these are because of her horrible reflux. They seem to be helping quite a bit. She spends the weekdays with our wonderful babysitter here at home and they love each other! In March she'll start going to daycare. I am a little nervous about how that will go, but Ava's adapts well to change after a couple of days, so hopefully it won't be a tough transition for her.

Kyle and I picked up with leading our small group again. I don't know where we'd be without this group of fellow believers. God has truly blessed our lives with great Christian friends. We also started going back to Sunday School again. Our Sunday mornings feel like a marathon. We start out going to the 8:00 service and we take Ava to church with us. After the service, we come home and feed her and then she's ready for a nap. Around 10:30 one of our awesome family members comes over for an hour or so while we go to the 11:00 Sunday School. With it being flu and RSV season, we're just not ready for her to start going to the nursery at church yet. We're grateful for our family who wants to take care of her so we can go back to church. After Sunday School, our marathon is complete. People look at us with puzzled expressions on Sunday morning and ask us where Ava's at, or why we come back two times.....that's why. :) Kyle's also started going back to choir. Last week was his first week back and he was so glad to be back.

Work is good for both Kyle and I. We both book it home as soon as that bell rings so we can get home to Ava and one another. We wish there was more time for family time. There is nothing better than when the three of us spending quality time together!

I started my WKU class last week. It's an LME class and it's a lot of work. I just hope I can make it through. My plan is to take a class or two this summer. I am so ready to be done with my Masters. I didn't realize how much time it would take....but oh's gotta be done.

I also started going to a Bible study on Thursday nights at church with my great friend, Lindsey. God is really working on my heart and teaching me so much through this study. I am so thankful that our church has a great women's ministry where I can connect with other Christian ladies and learn more about Him. If you're looking for a new study, I highly recommend Beth Moore's Breaking Free.

I'm trying to think if there's anything else I can update you on, but I think that's about it. I promise I won't wait so long for the next post! Below is a video from when Ava was really tiny and first started using her voice. Enjoy the video and if you want to see pictures, check out Facebook.


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