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Almost Done....And Just Gettin' Started

I'm almost done with my Masters! I have a one hour course that I will be taking later on this month and my comprehensive exams in March and then I AM DONE!

Excitement does not even begin to describe my feelings about finishing my classes. I have a huge sense of relief and accomplishment when I think about how close I am to being done. And then there's a hint of nervousness when I think about taking these exams in March. I don't know what to expect, but I'm hoping that with everything I have learned, along with my teaching experience from the last 4.5 years I will be able to pass! I am really looking forward to not having to worry about homework and grading papers on top of my number one priorities-being a wife and mommy! I wonder if I will get bored? I doubt it! I'm looking forward to getting to do some of my hobbies again!

As you notice from the title of this post, I haven't explained the "Just Gettin' Started" part yet. Time to explain. Kyle started his masters classes. It's weird that our roles have reversed now! He really had to kick it into high gear because he had to be halfway done by the end of his fifth year of teaching (which is next year!).

I'm trying to really help out with things as much as possible now that he has started his classes. Two nights a week he has to have a live chat with his classmates and teachers. These chats last about an hour and a half. He has lots of quizzes to do and a lot of reading as well. I try to get him to go to another room after we eat dinner and I clean up and take care of getting Ava bathed and ready for bed. It is a good system, but I already hate how it takes away from our family time. I know it's gotta happen, and at least he is home with us instead of on campus late at night. He's taken a couple of quizzes so far and I'm really proud of his grades!

Kyle is going through the University of the Cumberlands for his masters. He is getting a Masters in Special Education. I really like this college because it is over half the cost of mine at WKU. He can take 2 classes each bi-term, so he's getting 4 classes in each semester! At that rate, he will be done before we know it! I can't wait for him to finish already!


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