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Happy New Year!

Wow! I can not believe that 2010 has come and gone and we are now welcoming a brand new year! Time really does fly!

We rang in the new year with some of our most special friends! Our small group! Boy, I don't know where we'd be without them! We had a great night! We had a potluck of Italian food, salad, and dessert! We finished off the night by playing games like Things, Scribblish, and your good old fashioned Charades! It was a blast, but I'm not gonna lie...I missed putting Ava to bed and it was terribly hard to stay up that late, but much fun!

Kyle and I are really excited about making some positive changes in our lives this year! He hates making resolutions and normally never does, but this year is the exception! Here are our resolutions!

Rebecca's Resolutions
1. Say so long to diet cokes and any other type of soda.
2. Continue exercising a minimum of 3 times per week.

Kyle' Resolutions
1. Be more honest (not that he lies or anything, but he has a tendency to sugar coat things!)
2. Floss daily.

Our Resolutions
1. Do not eat out as much. (Wish we could not eat out at all, but we've got to be realistic here.)
2. Eat healthier.

I don't think these resolutions are over the top, and they are totally doable!

Happy New Year to all our friends and family!


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