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God Hears Our Prayers

Hey everyone! I've been anxiously waiting the day that I could let everyone know that I found a job! I'm going to be a third grade teacher at an awesome school! I'm so very excited and I have lots to learn in the next three weeks!

I feel like the last three months have been such a roller coaster for Kyle and I. Yes, I say Kyle and I because a job loss does not just affect the person who loses their job, it affects the whole family. We have learned so much during the past three months. We've learned how to be strong when the other is weak, we've learned that we have a lot of prayer warriors/friends, we've learned so much about patience and prayer, but MOST importantly we have learned how the Lord can take a not so fun situation like job loss, and make that a blessing. Kyle and I have grown so close to the Lord throughout this time, and closer to one another as well. The Lord has richly blessed our marriage in the last few months and has provided in every way. We could not have gone through this without Him.

We know that God has put us through this job loss as another way to connect to lost people. This chapter in our lives adds to our testimony and will give us a chance to show people just how safe you are when you are in the hand of God. I truly believe that if we were not fully reliant on God, I would be the same place I was, when I found out on April 15.....bitter, angry, hurt, sad, doubtful, scared, uncertain. These feelings are true and not fun to feel. Like I've said before, Kyle and I had a weekend/week of these feelings. They literally made us ill. We would still pray that we could move past it, but I think our prayers were probably just generic and not deep. We had to make the decision that we would treat this situation in a positive way, that we would no doubt rely on God, and that if we got to a point where we were feeling all those old ways again-we'd talk about it, and let the other one shake us out of it. Our prayers got really real, deep, and specific. I'm so glad that we made the choice to follow our heavenly Father through this time of need.

I have to share this with you, because this was the icing on the cake when it comes to getting this job, and I feel that it is such a sneak peek to how wonderful it will be at this school and how caring the staff and teachers are.

After seeing my classroom and going on a tour of the school, the principal, vice principal, and I went back into the conference room to wrap things up. I wanted to take the time to thank them for hiring me (because I still see myself as a disposable and replaceable teacher), and going out on a limb to hire someone they've never seen teach and who will be getting their tenure on the first day of school. I told them that I am a very dedicated teacher, and that I would do my best not to let them down! Their response seriously brought me to tears......
1. Rebecca, I know that you're a good teacher, but more importantly I know you're a good person, and that's what we need at our school.
2. Dedication is great, but what you need to be most dedicated to is your family. Family comes first at our school. If you can't make it to something because of your family, we understand. If Ava ever has an awards ceremony or something like that....don't hesitate to ask. I've never said no when it comes to things like that.

Ok.....number one made me feel good, BUT number two made me feel even better! Of course I know that family comes first, but to have your BOSS say that made me start to cry! I really admire that in a leader and truly feel blessed to be a part of that school!

Last week I met 2 out of 3 of my team, and I spoke to the other one on the phone. Even though we have just met, they have truly made me feel welcome on the third grade team. I am so excited to start this journey at my new school! I can't wait to see and meet my students and just get this all started! To everyone who has prayed for our family at this time....thank you! God heard our prayers and answered them in His perfect timing!


  1. i am so happy for you!! such a good testimony!

  2. I am so happy for you and Kyle. It sounds like a wonderful school to work at. I've said this saying for a while and I believe it to be true, "Nothing for no reason." I hope this year is everything you imagined and more.


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